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Friday 12 June 2015

When the going gets tough...

     "of broken heart,unfulfilled expectations..  
      thy endless woes;
      all thou need is some motivation  
      to free thou from thy throes.."   - NM

Everyone needs motivation on one occasion or the other.There comes a period in one's life when nothing seems to be going his/her way.It may be a short patch or a lengthy period of woes.Even I seem to be going through one such humongous period of late.These are the times when most of the things we touch are turning to dust,irrespective of the efforts put in.Anything good seems to be eluding us and failure keeps springing up at every corner.It is most improbable to find one person down the street who can write an autobiography devoid of atleast one chapter of gloom,despondency.

But even the bad times provide us an opportunity,an opportunity to learn from our are a few things to do to come out of such situations unscathed,unhurt and if possible,wiser.

  • Never fear failure -"Those who have never failed,have never tried anything new"-Albert Einstein  
  • Keep learning-Whatever be the case,never cease learning till the end of life.You never know what may come in handy.Stay creative..Have hobbies,write whatever comes to your mind.Even if you are frustrated there's no better way to vent it than through creativity and channeling it to fuel your passion.You will never feel lonely or idle.Read books,biographies..expand your horizon.Trust me everything in this life is MOMENTARY except your KNOWLEDGE.
  • Success is not everything-If you have given your best don't be fazed by failure.just give your 100%..Nothing can sum this up better than this
  •  Hakuna Matata-self explanatory.Try and derive happiness from trivial moments.Make friends,enjoy life.Work hard,party harder.
  • Stay patient-maybe today is not your day,some other will be.It doesn't mean you stop trying.It is not for nothing that patience and perseverance is considered the greatest of all virtues.
  • Look-out for motivation-irrelevant as they may seem,but certain things may end up having unexpectedly profound influence on our lives.So always look-up to people,books,ideas,movies(anything) for motivation.Not only will it motivate you,but also shape your opinions and way of looking at life.Not only learn from others but also share your knowledge and thoughts.

  • Stay Positive-Never let failure get to your heart.Always stay positive that things will turn for the better in the days to come.What good is there in sitting drenched in one's tales of sorrow,of badluck instead of doing something to change it for the better.Always be forward looking in approach.
    A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
    - Winston Churchill (politician, author)

    Still reading??well enough of this philosophical crap.Nothing have I written which you
    didn't know already.Its your life after all..Go out and live it your it to the fullest..Now get yourself away from the damned screen.